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-Biology suffixes

The English suffix -ology or -logy denotes a field of study or academic discipline, and -ologist describes a person who studies that field. However not every field or study or discipline is an '-ology', for instance the study of childbirth is midwifery and a practitioner is a midwife.

[edit] Etymology

The word ology is a back-formation from the names of these disciplines. "-logy" basically means "the study of ____". Such words are formed from Greek or Latin roots with the terminal -logy derived from the Greek suffix -λογια (-logia), speaking, from λεγειν (legein), to speak. The word ology is thus misleading as the 'o' is actually part of the word stem that receives the -logy ending. For example, the bio part of biology stems from Greek βιος (bios), life. This is why some of the words do not end in -ology (such as mineralogy).

[edit] Other words ending in "ology"

Not all words ending in -ology are ologies in the above sense. In some words such as tautology and haplology, the -logy suffix is from the Greek λογος (logos), word, and may denote something related to speech or text.

[edit] Usage

Although technically incorrect, "-ology" is sometimes used to describe a subject rather than the study of it. Technology is a typical example. This usage is also widespread in medicine; for example, pathology is often used for specific disease ("We have not found the pathology yet").

"Ology" can be appended to any word, humorously, when describing its study; such as beer-ology or Wiki-ology.

There are a few irregular exceptions to the ending "-ologist"; for example theology/theologian.

A famous British television commercial of the 1980s has a Jewish student calling his grandmother (played by Maureen Lipman) to confirm his exam results. He is disappointed that he has only passed Sociology, but his grandmother will have none of it. "Anthony", she insists, "if you get an ology, you're a scientist!"

[edit] See also

[edit] List of -ologies

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  • Zooarchaeology, the study and analysis of animal remains at archaeological sites to reconstruct relationships between people, animals, and their environment (also see Archaeozoology)
  • Zoology, the study of animals
  • Zoopathology ("Animal pathology"), the study of animal diseases
  • Zymology, the study of fermentation

[edit] Ologies that are not fields of study

Words ending in -ology that are not fields of study, and thus not "ologies" in the sense of this article, are:

  • Anthology, a collection of literary pieces (such as poems).
  • Apology
    • a statement of regret.
    • an explanation for or justification of beliefs.
  • Arcology - enormous habitat (hyperstructure) of extremely high human population density.
  • Chronology is the arrangement or setting out of past events in order of occurrence; the recording of historical events in date sequence.
  • Cosmetology, the art and career of using cosmetics to improve beauty.
  • Dilogy is
    • ambiguous or equivocal speech, or
    • a work composed in two parts (see trilogy)
  • Docimology, a treatise on the art of testing, e.g. in assaying metals.
  • Doxology, a spoken or sung end of a prayer.
  • Eulogy, though not an -ology, is a commemoration of a person's life at his/her funeral.
  • Hagiology is literature dealing with the life of a saint or, indeed, any revered person, a biography of an individual, rather than a study of saints, sainthood or saintliness in general.
  • Heterology, a dissimilarity of parts often attributable to a difference in origin.
  • Homology, a similarity often atributable to common origin
  • Ideology, sometimes spelled idealogy, is a system of ideas about politics, human life or culture.
  • Kibology, joke religion worshiping Kibo.
  • Menology, a register of months, or a calendar of the lives of the saints for each day of the year.
  • Meshology, the development of wireless mesh networks and technologies.
  • Necrology, a list of people who have died, especially in the recent past or during a specific period.
  • Philology, the historical study of languages. This is not a ology in the strict sense, because it is not the study (-ologia) of love (philo-), but the love (philo-) of literature (logia).
  • Phraseology is the way words are put together, therefore the style being used in a sentence, or the set of phrases or the choice of words used by any particular group of people, or a type of register that reflects the form of language used in a certain social situation in which particular subjects are being discussed.
  • Piphilology seems to be a borderline case with some aspects of a field of study, but not a scientific discipline.
  • Reflexology, alternative method of massage, therapy or pressure on certain points of the sole of the feet as a means of relieving nervous tension.
  • Scientology, the belief system/cult religion founded by L. Ron Hubbard, self-described as a study of knowledge.
  • Tautology, a self-affirming truth.
  • Terminology, a set of words and/or phrases, usually in relation to some particular canon or field of study e.g. 'mathematical terminology'.
  • Tetralogy of Fallot, an abnormality of the heart consisting of four deformities that often occur together.
  • Trilogy (although not strictly an -ology) is a body of writing in three parts, as tetralogy is that in four parts. Other words such as pentalogy, hexalogy, and heptalogy or septology cover larger series.
  • Tropology, the use of tropes in speech or writing.
  • A Zumology is a treatise on the fermentation of liquors.

[edit] External links